Ronald McDonald House Houston has eight facilities throughout the Texas Medical Center, where they provide a home away from home to families with seriously ill children. Ronald McDonald House Houston offers a safe and loving environment to all families of children facing a life-threatening condition, including those in need of an organ transplant or fighting cancer. Their private facilities include a freestanding House on Holcombe Blvd. as well as three Houses and five Family Rooms inside Texas Medical Center hospitals.
FMG undertook the strategy, design, development, and implementation of an interior and exterior environmental graphics program as well as a recognition graphics program for the Capital Campaign. The donor recognition graphics program for the Capital Campaign, also known as the ‘Behind Every Door’ campaign, became an integral part of the Phased Expansion of Ronald McDonald House Houston.

Donor Recognition Wall
FMG was honored to be part of the ribbon cutting ceremony.
FMG Team: Mary R. Grems, Ryan Keene, Ashley Ayres (Left to right)