Rice University is strongly committed to creating a campus environment that supports and values all members of the community, including visitors. Gender inclusion should provide access and equality by creating an environment that is safe, accessible, and respectful of all individuals. One aspect of creating an inclusive environment is the availability of safe, accessible, and convenient restroom facilities. Many people experience difficulty, inconvenience or harassment when using gender specific restroom facilities. Additionally, parents with children of a different gender, as well as caregivers to persons of a different gender, face difficulties in accompanying them. In order to alleviate these issues, Rice University requested Gender Inclusive Restroom Signage to be utilized on all single user restrooms on campus. FMG was commissioned to develop new restroom signs to address these issues.
Many different signage designs exist on campus; the new restroom signs developed by FMG followed each building’s signage scheme, while remaining consistent across campus. The final designs included input from the Rice Queers and Allies student group.